The Diet Approach That Works For Every. Body.


Ever find yourself scrolling endlessly on a google-hunt to lose weight, balance blood sugar, boost brain health, improve sleep or to “research” solutions for any other health goal? Did you notice that every headline and every diet claim is THE ONE. It seems like the winning ticket to the health lottery can be found every day now in a new book, a new blog post, a new doctors claim, a new “study” and new food, supplement or a new healing crystal, meditation or mantra.

How can they ALL claim to be the way?

Quite simply… because for some people, in some circumstances, with some biology, chemistry and physiology unique to them… they are right. For the masses, though? It’s merely a hypothesis..often times an unsupported one. Close that google tab out and know that you are going to waste precious, precious time trying to fit your body into a box that someone else, half-way across the world that has never seen you, talked to you and knows nothing about you, claims to know for you.

I think we all intuitively know this to be true but on some level we all feel desperate for answers and when someone offers one up, we feel a new spark of hope that maybe… maybe THIS time…. this will bring us what we are looking for.

In my own experience of desperately searching for answers and with clients that I meet on the regular… the consistent answer is that the ONLY diet approach that works for everybody is one that recognizes we are all different, with unique biological footprints, DNA, pathogens, emotions, nervous systems, environments, relationships and beliefs systems that all together, influence our HEALTH and the manifestation of disease.

This is why some people smoke cigarettes for 50 years and never get lung cancer and others get lung cancer from second hand smoke. Your mom was right when she said you are special and there is no one else in the world like you. She was telling you a very literal truth!

Instead of jumping on the next weakly studied, mass health-fad that could potentially cause more money, time and harm than good , take some time to get to know YOUR body as it relates to you, your habits, your environment and your diet and make your changes accordingly.

Working with a health practitioner that is familiar with bio-individuality will be the most valuable use of your time and money as you explore your path to greater health.

For the record… you are special and I hope you know that. You are also capable of more healing, vibrancy and health than you have probably been led to believe. This is your time… welcome to it!

Consider This Your Permission Slip...