As a solutions-focused holistic health and wellbeing partner, I team-up with those looking to feel empowered in their body to create change, healing and balance. We will utilize safe, natural and holistic strategies to support your special and unique goals…. Nothing drastic, extreme or radical here.


I believe we all have super powers so we are just going to work with yours. My approach empowers you with education and evidence so you can influence your health in ways you have probably been led to believe you can’t.

No matter what your current state of health is, it is possible to feel good, feel vibrant, fit, creative, clear headed, happy and strong. The body is beautifully resilient and always working FOR you… not against you.

I’ve studied over 101 different diets and philosophies on health and all of them worked and all of them failed. That’s the truth! There simply is not a one-size-fits-all approach to health, healing and fitness ok? Every body is unique and that’s how I will treat you.

Fad diets, miracle products and complicated health claims are not my jam so if you’re looking for a quick-fix, an extreme lifestyle or how to count all the calories, points, macros or micros or to follow the latest diet trend- I’m probably not your gal! …but if you are interested in a bio-individual (unique to you), realistic, balanced, long-term, effective and empowered and intuitive way to feed your body and fuel your life— I am definitely your gal!

We will draw upon and train your intuition so you can become the expert in your body and learn to identify patterns, seasons and changes in your body as and even before they occur. This awareness will empower you to meet the needs of your body and decode the messages it sends you.

It’s your body and you are the expert on it… sometimes we just forget that :)